Sunday, January 31, 2010

en mis sueños...

I want to :
Go to
~ Pine Ridge, South Dakota
~ Acadia National Park, Maine
~ Tarija, Bolivia,
~ Duluth, Minnesota
~ Matterhorn Mountain, California
~ Bariloche,Argentina
~ Prince Edward Island, Canada
~ Ozark National Forest, Arkansas
~ Chichen Itza , Mexico
~ Bhutan. Anywhere in that beautiful country:)
~ Arunachal Pradesh, India
~ Stonehenge, U.K
~ Southern Idaho ( boise , shoshone,, just anything around route us-26)
~ The Redwood Forests, California
~ Northern Ethiopia

~ Bungee Jumping
~ Paragliding
~ Sky Diving
~ Parahawking
~ Kitesurfing

At least once.. :
~ Go on a vision quest
~ Jump off from high up into the ocean or a lake or something. Like in "Breaking Away"
~ Meet Tomas Lipan. or..just being in his presence would be enough (L)
~ See Lenin in Red Square
~ Sleep in the woods all night without anyone, or anyTHING besides myself.
~ Watch a tornado from afar
~ Hitchhike a long distance
~ Go inside a hot air balloon
~ Take a powernap
~ Ride an elephant.

Attend/Experience :
~ Burning Man.
~ "doing" the Pachamama
~ An andean flute festival. or the native american flute festival in Washington.
~ Enero Tilcareño
~ " La Tomatina"
~ A Japanese Tea Ceremony
~ the northern lights
~ Holi in India
~ the sunrise/sunset in the Sahara Desert
~ the hot air balloon festival in Albuquerque

Saturday, January 30, 2010

All these things...they all kept me up past the dawn.
and then after everything,I feel alone and reach for the vodka. And my head starts to spin and I say " what am i doing to myself?";then i don't care. I look at the sky and I couldn't possibly care less. It's all just spinning through some dark void , somewhere,somehow,someway.
and i collapse.
and it's all over. it's all over. there's nothing there.
and at the same time, there's so much. too much to handle

When some people's eyes close, others open.

and the first world..keeps reaching for the next one
and it circles around and around and spins out of control so far that you can't even get a grip anymore and you've just gotta let the spinning take you away and stop trying to make it stop.

Friday, January 29, 2010

I feel like collapsing

I always saw him , early in the morning. He took the same train as me, but he waited in front of the station. Cause there was a guitar store in front... and I couldn't help notice the way that he looked at them.
The train screeched while his dreams stayed far away. He watched each lonely station pass by.
I've never seen him again, looking at the guitars, but I bet that now he's playing a song .
Some people's dream is to get a new car, some people want a vacation house,
and some people's dream is just to have a guitar to play.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The fire was always crackling

Salí de aquel edificio a las sies de la tarde... el termómetro decía 10 grados bajo cero, y mi aliendo heló en el aire, pero no sentí frío. Caminé hasta la parada de colectivo..y un señor me habló, sus labios estaban moviendo, pero no oí nada. Más adelante en mi vida sólo se veían luces brillantes. Sin duda. ¿ podría ser que estoy siendo engañada ? No es probable. No creo que tengo suficiente imaginación para estar engañada; ninguna esperanza falsa. He venido de un lugar muy lejos de aquí , y de un lugar mucho más abajo. Y ahora el destino esta por manifestarse...y siento que esta mirando a mi y a nadie más.

ayer todo se terminó.

ahora comienza todo. Y miro al camino en donde estoy caminando... y no puedo parar de sonreír.

Monday, January 25, 2010

el sube y baja

One word. Just ONE word ! could have made all the difference.

You always avoid thinking about the sadness. That ruined the love that was so beautiful ; that made your eyes shine. You never want to think about it again. About how much time you wasted thinking about it, once it was long past. But at the same time, you begin to realize that that experience made you grow, made you walk one step further into who knows where , but at least you're advancing .

un tropezon no es caida, corre dijo la tortuga, vida hay una sola y no vale la pena vivir sufriendola..

Saturday, January 23, 2010


The same sun . The same sun

The same moon. The same moon

The same air. The same air.

One street separates us

And I have to wait so long until I can cross it

Friday, January 22, 2010

sleep through the static

Today I was tired all day.

I got home and I took a shower for an hour.
Felt so much better =)
and I realized that today was the last day of a big mistake I had made
and I wanted to feel the cold,,I wanted to wake up after 4 months of sleeping.
So I ran outside with a dress on and no leggings or jacket or anything.
It was so cold =)
and I went to the woods, and I lay there and the moon was bright and the branches were whispering and I could smell the grass and it was freezing

it was beautiful =)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


sometimes I remember all the people I used to know
and how important it seemed back then
and how now I can't even remember it that well.
It just goes to show that it's all so insignificant
=) but that should make you happy
because you can just " float down stream.."

None of it matters.

Just enjoy it

Monday, January 18, 2010

Can't believe how strange it is... to be anything at all

Sunday, January 17, 2010


hoy me siento un cardon solitario.

asi como pasa cuando te alejas de tus razas, y yo muchos muchos kilómetros de las mias. De donde dejé mi corazón. Asi que hoy posteo por "la patria mia"
He notado que estar lejos de tus razas, es fatal, algo parecido a estar perdido en un bosque. Dejes tu pueblo a entrar el bosque oscuro y desconocido. No querés entrar, pero es algo necesario. Escuchas el viento entre los árboles, el mismo viento que en otros lugares era tu mejor amigo. En el que mas confiaste. Y ahora ni si quiera para para saludarte. Seguis en ese bosque por mucho tiempo. Demasiado tiempo. Te sentis una niña desamparada. Y lo único que importa es pervivir, para que puedas volver a tu pueblo querido.
Asi me siento yo, con las raizes, el corazón, y el alma en ese país. Porque Argentina no es solamente un país, no es solamente un lugar físico,además de eso es un estado de mente.

Y por eso a ese país le dedico toda mi vida. Por lo bueno y por lo malo estaré a su lado.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Everything that happened earlier today seems like a million years ago and the only proof keeping me from thinking I was dreaming the whole first half of the day is that my hair is still short.
But I saw you,, and I haven't seen you since last May...
And there was a reason for that. I didn't want to be reminded of that anymore, even though...we used to have such incredible times together.

I feel like I'm a fly , going around and around a lamp even though it'll kill me.
And then when I finally forget you, you pop up out of nowhere, and I realize how stupid forgetting you is. As useless as a poet working in a bank

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The right cards

Stupid world.
it knows how to deal the cards out doesn't it ? It knows just the right times to throw out " King Fate" , at the exact moment when it'll beat you and win. It always has the right cards for it's tactic. It gives you small joys, and then takes them away. It knows exactly how to play with you. All your tricks. All your movements. It shows up right in the middle of your best moments, and knows enough to be able to give you a reason to still be not completely at peace even when everything's going perfectly. It interferes when you're going through a bad time, and knows how to make you have a reason to be happy. It mixes you all up, it confuses you real bad. And you feel like it's always the same game. Like there's no other road to escape to. It doesn't let you find the light. It only tricks you by letting you see the shadows made by it. It stabs you and makes all your joy and all happy moments or memories come bleeding out of you. And then it waits for you in a corner. Just waiting for you to come and try again to fill yourself with some sort of positive feeling , so that it can attack you again. and leave you cold and vacant and emotionless. And leave you in a pool of tears :/

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I hope that if anyone ever gets the winter doldrums and gets all sulky or sad or tired or angry for no reason
that they'll go outside for just a little bit, even if it's only for 10 minutes .
Because the reason any of us get like that is from a lack of conecting to nature or to outside. we're not supposed to be cooped up inside like chickens. Well, actually chickens shouldn't be either.
But that's a different story
This picture is from park slope.
I fall more and more in love with park slope every day
But don't worry riverdale I love you too :)

just maybe not as much

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The lamp post

I looked outside my window just now, and it took my breath away. The clouds were pink and the sky was dark and the lamp post looked really beautiful in the snow.
You can just imagine the sun going down here and rising in Australia. It never rises or sets, we just move around it.
It's all so beautiful and crazy ! :)
People are just so easily obsessed with things.
Especially teenagers.
All my friends always are asking me " what do you think that meant? " " what did he mean my that?" " do you think they're trying to tell me something with the way their eyes shifted?"
really now. I think we should all just calm down.

Today is January 10th, and so I have one month left until I turn fifteen. It's so scary ! I already feel as if I could be fifteen,,but it sounds soo old ! When I was 10 ,being fifteen...seemed ancient. I guess it's all relative.

Friday, January 8, 2010

I wish I could just stay in park slope foreverandeverandeverandeverandever

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

all it took

All it took was to you to talk to me , just today,just that last time. It helped me realize something. Sort of. Even though it's probably just more confusing now.
But , you just dont understand very well , do you ?
I only...have to see you . Until then I can't say very much. can sure think a whole lot though,, :S

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

stay loose

Sometimes it's cold and the wind is so strong it has you holding on to whatever is left of the past, trying and trying never to let go. But it's not worth it. You're gonna have to let go eventually. So you might as well now. It's so much better than stuggling the whole time. Just lay back and let the world go crazy around you. After all, in a hurricane a thousand trees might collapse, trying to stand their ground, but not one strand of grass will be pulled out of place. Just be free :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Everything can seem so close, when it's really so far away. Some kind of joy seems to gather the further south I go from here, the closer I go to where I left everything. It's so careless to leave everything so far away. It's like I'm really down there, and the person walking around in New York is just some sort of shadow of myself, 4,000 miles southward. I wish I could go back. But at the same time I wish I'd never have happened and that I had taken a different road.
I don't know if I will ever forget. I don't think anyone ever forgets anything, but their thoughts just grow from the past and what it's left behind. Just like a lava lamp.
I remember seeing and writing your name everywhere . But now I look at those two words and they just look like a bunch of letters. But I know the moment that I see you again it won't be that way. And I just miss you. Other people never take your place :/ I'm afraid that they'll never be able to.
Someone told me it's better to burn out than fade slowly away.
Our story..I can't tell if it's still going or if it's been fading away since the second it began.


I'm beginning this thing because like I told someone, almost 6 months ago, time seems to go really fast when you look back on it but while it's going on it seems awfully slow. So I'm going to write on it, for the rest of this year, 2010. I want to see how things change. And I want to remember how it went. Because no matter what happens, I'm pretty sure I'll make it out alive. But from where I'm standing right now I can't see anything beyond this point. Not even tomorrow. I'm writing it on this website, because if I physically write a journal, I'm pretty sure it won't work. And besides, typing feels better. Things come out when you're typing that'd never come out with a pen. Anyway.
We'll see..