Thursday, February 25, 2010


All I can think about is matematematematemate
So here's something I've composed to honor its wonder and beauty and magic :

Urban Dictionary:
Mate (pronounced "mahteh" and also called by its full name "yerba mate) is a medicinal and cultural drink of ancient origins. Introduced to the world by the Guarani Indians of South America, Mate contains ingredients that help keep its drinkers healthy and energetic. It is quickly replacing coffee among the health conscious and cultural hipsters. IT IS ADDICTIVE.

Friday, February 19, 2010

relajaaá !

que es alivio?
perdonando a alguien ? siendo perdonado ? viendo a alguien que has extrañado ? llorando ? riendo ?
que es el alivio?
es un anochecer hermoso ?
es una ducha caliente ?
es una brisa fresca ?
es un sentimiento maravilloso
dejar que todo se va
dejar que se caen las valijas pesadas que has estado llevando
dejar caer ese peso tremendo de tus hombros
y estirar
Respire hondo sin nada para contenerte menos la gravedad y tu propio pecho
tener todo terminado
no preocuparte por una prueba ni una nota
Cuan a menudo viene este alivio a una persona
Rara vez, no ?
Cuan a menudo viene este alivio a vos ?
Casi nunca, ?
Te apuesto a que ni podes recordar la ultima vez que sentiste alivio
bueno, ponete comodo y relajate de vez en cuando
todo lo de mas puede esperar

Thursday, February 18, 2010

a song written

I look at the calendar every day and look at the page of the day you're coming.
It's all marked up
Time goes on so slow
until that day when I can feel your heat

Losing ourselves in the shadow of yesterday. In the glare of today. In the blurr of tomorrow.

How to go ahead ?

" The only thing we knew how to do was to keep on keeping on, like a bird that flew"

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

what are you , new ?

Monday, February 8, 2010

some reassurance

Don't ever feel alone. Like no one understands. Like you have no purpose. After all..."every breath that you exhale is inhaled by others around you." Therefore, you are never alone. You are always connected to another. Not everyone in the world is cruel. I like to believe no one is. That its just a facade...a masquerade to keep not only others, but themselves in the dark. Everyone is capable of compassion. Everyone. And through that, you are never...ever...alone.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

stand by me ?

And if we only want to get out...from being surrounded by confused people who like to brag about how "wasted" they got this weekend ? People who carry their Uniklo bags like a token of their coolness , even though they have no idea why it makes them cool, and don't realize that they're actually just zombies. People who try to prove themselves to you...prove themselves as WHAT; nobody knows. If we just want to break loose from spinning around this boring planet of money, status, and ugg boots ..
How do we do it ?
Let's allow them to relize their stupid monotony when their time comes. In the meantime, as long as you're with me and I'm with you... =)

Si fuimos carne de la intriga casquivana
que la imprudencia del rumor hoy desató
y descubiertos por la luz de la mañana
nos castigaron la desidia y el dolor

Friday, February 5, 2010

today everything went crazy, and it doesn't even feel like any of it actually happened. I can't wait to fall asleep, dream, and wake up in the morning and have today all feel like a strange dream.
And then at home there's a big fat envelope from you waiting for me on my dining room table, and I sit in my room and read it and any miserable unwanted thought melts from my head and it feels just like I'm with you again . And when I'm with you I feel so feels like everything's alright.

This picture...
other people want to make lots of money and be succesful and have kids and live in a nice house and live comfortably.
I just want to stay in these mountains forever and drink mate and live simply;that would be everything for me.

:) te amo arriba de todo.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Look at all the city lights; every light is a solitude.

And there's someone in every window , watching the same plane pass by.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

one day we'll go an never go back :)
wouuldn't it be nicee (8)

Monday, February 1, 2010

ya no duele la garganta =)

" In 2 weeks I turn 15 years old..."
" :( a few months ago when I i turned 15 I was so bad. I wanted to die."
" I remember :( "
" god; i made you suffer with me"
" well what's it like now, more than a month of being 15? "
" It feels. How do I explain... more experienced"
" More life ?"
" Like when you first drink alcohol, and it burns your throat, and then little by little you drink more and more and you get used to it and it doesn't burn your throat anymore ?"
" So it's like life doesn't hurt going down your throat anymore ?"
"Yes . exactly. "
" So now we can get drunk :S "
" Yeah. haahah you have to prepare yourself"
"How do you prepare for something like that ?"
" I dont know I've never been prepared for anything my whole life"
" haha it's better that way"
" I think so too"
" :) "
" So just jump into it "
" :O I hope it doesn't hurt :O"
" If you fall I'm already down here to help"
" I think it'll all be better "
" Let's hope. For me it's all worse. :/"
